Internet Resources

  • Other Directories
  • Online Research
  • Databases
  • Organizations
  • Journals
  • Bibliographies
  • Ethnobiology
  • Regional Resources
  • Other

Note: These links were checked and updated on April 8, 2006. If you notice broken links, please email the webmaster using the link at the bottom of this page.

Other Directories

Anthropology Resources on the Internet
By Allen H. Lutins and more recently, Bernard-Olivier Clist. A long-time staple of the Internet and a very comprehensive list of on-line anthropology resources.

Electronic Development and Environment Information System
ELDIS provides an ever increasing number of descriptions and links to a variety of information sources, including WWW and gopher sites, databases, library catalogues, bibliographies, and email discussion lists, research project information, map and newspaper collections. Where there is no Internet link available, other information on the availability of databases, CDRoms, etc. is given.

Environmental Archaeology Resource Pages
Information and materials for teaching and learning Environmental Archaeology; information about academic programs, bibliographies, images, technical information and links.

Sustainable Information Directory
The US National Park Service has also provided an easy way to locate sustainable information on the Internet. Information is grouped into communities, facilities, and products. Within those groups the information is grouped into location (city and country), ecoregion (polar,dry, temperate, and tropical), application (create, use, and reuse), and setting (urban, rural, or wilderness). These groupings can help refine information searches.

Worldwide Email Directory of Anthropologists (WEDA)
A directory with thousands of e-mail, postal and web addresses for anthropologists around the world (and the only resource of this kind). The A&E web site provides links to search WEDA for the authors, speakers and instructors mentioned here, so please consider adding your contact information to the database.

Online Research

Research Resources for the Social Sciences
This began as a student project, but has subsequently developed into a book and a publisher-sponsored web site. Still a very comprehensive overview of data and research sources on the Internet.

Integrated Approaches to Participatory Development (IAPAD) – Participatory Avenues
Acts as focal point for sharing information and technical progress on community-based mapping and Public Participation GIS (PPGIS). The website provides ample documentation on Participatory 3D Modelling (P3DM), an efficient tool for merging indigenous knowledge and traditional spatial information. P3DM applications include community-based natural resources management, collaborative research and planning, safeguarding intangible cultural heritage, resource use, control and tenure, and related conflict management. – Open Forum on Participatory Geographic Information Systems and Technologies serves as a global avenue for discussing issues, sharing experiences and good practices related to community mapping, participatory mapping, counter mapping, Public Participation GIS (PPGIS), Community Integrated (CiGIS), Mobile Interactive (MiGIS) and other geo-spatial information technologies and systems used to support integrated conservation and development, sustainable natural resource management and customary property rights in developing countries and First Nations.Members of the network are able to share information and lessons learned and post questions and announcements, and upload and download resource documents which are relevant to the practice.


Database of the National Agricultural Library; includes two databases, one of NAL holdings (mostly government documents) and another devoted entirely to journal articles, book chapters, and similar difficult-to-find items. Includes items on plant and animal sciences; forestry; entomology; soil and water resources; ag economics and ag engineering; ag products; alternative farming practices; and food and nutrition.

Anthropological Index Online
Index of current periodicals in the Museum of Mankind Library (incorporating the former Royal Anthropological Institute Library). An excellent database for finding articles on anthropology.

UMI Dissertation Express
After answering some simple questions about payment options and institutional affiliation (which don’t oblige you to order anything), you can do simple author and title searches of UMI’s dissertation hoard (all U.S. dissertations going back to the 1800s).


American Society for Environmental History
Includes archives for the environmental history mailing list, as well as bibliographies, syllabi and many similar resources on environmental history. This is an excellent resource site.

Association for Environmental Archaeology (UK)
An international organization for everyone with an interest in bio- and geoarchaeology. Site includes membership, journal and meeting information.

Association for the Study of Literature and Environment
Founded in October 1992 to promote the exchange of ideas and information pertaining to literature that considers the relationship between human beings and the natural world. Extensive on-line electronic archive, mailing list archive, and links.

Association of American Geographers, Cultural Ecology Newsletter
Very much oriented toward geographers and their professional association; however, the newsletter includes book reviews and calls for papers.

Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future
The purpose of this academic professional organization is to promote “global environmental literacy.”

Culture and Agriculture Section of the AAA
Anthropological section devoted to agrarian issues, agricultural development, and agricultural systems.

Environmental Studies Association of Canada
Organization information.

Europeanist Network for Environmental Anthropology
The European Union is an exciting place to be doing both applied and theoretical work on a variety of themes linked to political ecology, “sustainability”, alternative energy, environmental movements, agricultural systems, forestry, conservation, water issues and climate change issues.

Interdisciplinary Environmental Association
Organization information.

International Society for Environmental Ethics
Includes the Society’s newsletter, and extensive bibliographies and syllabi.

“Terralingua is an international, nonprofit organization concerned about the future of the world’s cultural and biological diversity. Within this broad focus we have two main aims: preserving the world’s linguistic diversity, and investigating connections between biological and cultural diversity.” Includes organization information and discussion papers.


Electronic Green Journal

Articles about environmental resources on the Internet. The Electronic Green Journal is a refereed publication devoted to discussing and disseminating information concerning sources on national and international environmental topics. Sponsored by the University of Idaho Library.

Ethics, Place, and Environment
A forum for the publication of research and scholarship on all aspects of geographical and environmental ethics.

Journal of Ecological Anthropology
JEA is an interdisciplinary forum for innovative academic exploration of the interface between humans and their sociocultural and biophysical environments. Subject areas include, but are not limited to, anthropology of conservation, historical ecology, the evolution of human ecosystems, development anthropology, human population ecology, ethnobiology and comparative indigenous knowledge systems, ecology of health and nutrition, paleoecology, systems anthropology, primate socioecology, and information ecology. Contact the editors at [email protected] or at JEA, Department of Environmental Studies, Florida International University, Miami, Florida 33199.

Journal of Human Ecology
JHE provides a forum for papers concerned with the complex and varied systems of interaction between people and their environment. Site includes tables of contents for issues going back to 1995.

Journal of Political Ecology
JPE is a peer reviewed journal begun in 1994 that welcomes submissions in English, French and Spanish from a broad range of disciplines and hopes to encourage research into the linkages between political economy and human environmental impacts. It is provided free and supported by the Political Ecology Society (PESO) via the World Wide Web.


Aboriginal Overkill and Native Burning: Implications for Modern Ecosystem Management
Review article Charles E. Kay, written in December 1994.

American Environmental History
Bibliography compiled by Dan Flores in 1991.

Environmental Ethics
Large on-line database of citations.

References on the American Indian Use of Fire in Ecosystems
Written by Gerald W. Williams, references by William Reed in 1994


American Indian Ethnobotany
An on-line database of foods, drugs, dyes, and fibers of Native North American Peoples, compiled by Dan Moerman (47,000+ items).

By the Prophet of the Earth: Pima Ethnobotany
The entire text of this book by L.S.M. Curtin, originally published in 1949, is available on-line.

Ethnobiology Laboratories (U Georgia)

Ethnobotany and Paleoethnobotany
A bibliography compiled in 1993 by Michael A. Pfeiffer. What makes it particularly useful is the indices at the end by plant names, tribes and subjects.

People and Plants Online
WWF International, UNESCO and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew created the People and Plants Initiative in 1992. The initiative supports ethnobotanical research for conservation and community development. Their web site promises lots of exciting materials available online, including curricula, discussion papers, handbooks and working papers. Other resources, such as videos, and information on the Initiative are also available.

Regional Resources

The projects in this section have been created by anthropologists.

Arctic Circle
Convened by Norman Chance, designed and maintained by Tom Plunkett and Jon Lizee. A wonderful site for educating on the Arctic and its peoples and issues.

Native Americans and the Environment
Supports public education on environmental issues facing Native American communities, within a framework of respect for land and treaty rights.


Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
A good starting place for international environmental information relating to the human dimensions of global environmental change. CIESIN is the World Data Center A (WDC-A) for Human Interactions in the Environment, this might mean something to someone.

International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP)
Includes a newsletter and information about their mailing list.