AAA 2023: Calls for Papers

Please contact the 2023 Program Chairs, Camille Frazier ([email protected]) and Eric Hirsch ([email protected]), if you would like to advertise your panel’s CFP.

The Last Mile: Energy Dilemmas at the Edge of Infrastructure

Organizers: Kristin Phillips (Emory University)

In the parlance of shipping and transportation industries, “the last mile” is the last leg of a journey from a hub to a final destination—the leg that is typically the most expensive and the most difficult. The economic inefficiency of the last mile poses financial and logistical problems not only for postal services and supply chain managers, but is also a profound challenge to the extension of electricity networks. Around the world, people have constructed an astounding variety of political, technological, and economic forms to solve or overcome the problem of the last mile in electrification and to access and finance rural energy services on the margins of infrastructural networks. Such energy institutions—some in existence since the 1940s, others only nascent entities–include rural electricity cooperatives, mini-grid authorities, utility boards, village electricity committees, and savings groups.  The function of these groups is to mobilize capital for the extension of energy services, establish and enforce regulatory norms, oversee services, and distribute and redistribute their costs. In doing so, they serve not only vital economic and technological roles, but also often fraught social and political ones.    

This panel aims to advance anthropological conversations about energy, infrastructure, and the social construction of rural worlds.  Building on theorizations of infrastructure (Anand, Gupta, & Appel 2018; Harvey, Jensen, & Morita 2017; Simone 2012; Star 1999); energopower (Boyer 2014); cultures of energy (Strauss, Rupp, & Love 2013) and energy frontiers (Degani, Chalfin, & Cross 2020), this panel seeks to theorize energy practice and governance in the social space of “the last mile.” To this end, we seek papers that may address the following questions in diverse sites around the globe:   

  • What political, social, and economic forms and practices have emerged to contend with the challenge of the last mile? How have these changed over time?    
  • How do these Last Mile institutions mediate access to energy and distribute and redistribute its costs? To what effect?     
  • How do different social actors understand, explain, and justify selective energy service and/or differentiated pricing systems? 
  • How has climate change and/or the emergence of renewable energy technologies shaped the form and function of Last Mile institutions?    
  • How do they arbitrate or prompt social debates about inequality, consumption, citizenship, and/or rights?   
  • Who is involved in the governance of collective energy resources and how do people obtain or contest this authority?    

Themes and topics of interest include, but are not limited to: rural electric cooperatives; the interface of grid and off-grid systems; gender and rural electricity governance; transition to renewable energy; the politics of mini-grids and micro-grids; cultural logics of pricing; and racial and/or ethnic politics and disparities.  

If you are interested in participating in the panel, please send a short preliminary abstract to Kristin Phillips [email protected] by March 1, 2023. Panelists must be available to present in-person at the 2023 meetings in Toronto.

Ethnographies of Vertical and Volumetric Ecologies

Organizers: Ángela Castillo-Ardila (UC Berkeley) and Steven Schwartz (Colorado College)

Vertical and volumetric ecologies have become salient features of contemporary material and political life. New extractive frontiers, from lithium mining to deep-sea harvesting of rare minerals, have drawn renewed attention to subterranean and mountainous landscapes as emergent sites of capitalist capture, environmental violence, and political refusal. Analogously, the climate crisis, and the ensuing calls for post-carbon transitions, have thrown light on airspaces and their “politics of verticality” (Weizman 2007), both by underscoring the uneven distribution of toxicity (Choy and Zee 2015), atmospheric violence (Simmons 2017, Masco 2010), and racialized inequalities (Graeter 2020) as well as by stressing their potential for planetary remediation and low-carbon futurities (Howe 2019). This panel explores how the emergence, existence, and unmaking of vertical and volumetric ecologies and relationalities shape subjectivities, bodies, social worlds, and other-than-human life. Recent scholarship on the production of space has sparked critical conversation around the three-dimensional character of places, challenging flattening framings that rely on a one-dimensional lens (Jackman & Squire, 2021; Marston & Himley, 2021; Mosquera-Camacho & Marston, 2021). In calling for an expanded conceptualization of space as having depth and height, these interventions invite us to reimagine space in terms of downward and upward vertical axes, as well as in terms of volumes that could be mobile, porous, portable, and ephemeral. Building on these works, this panel invites ethnographic reflection on subsurface (subterranean and subaquatic), mountainous and arboreal landscapes, the built environment on the surface, or aerial milieus that can be explored via their vertical and volumetric character. Some examples of these spaces are buried tunnels, caves, oil wells, underground zones, aquifers, subsurface natural resource exploitation, forests, waterways, rural and urban settlements’ built environment, energy and transportation infrastructures, and the canopy of forests, among others. In this session, we ask: What affective, sensorial, material, political, epistemic, and legal coordinates shape vertical and volumetric ecologies? What political possibilities and foreclosures are afforded by these vertical and volumetric milieus? How do vertical and volumetric pluralities generate new horizons of experimentation, imagination, and future-making –including forms of justice, inclusion, or autonomy across racial, gender, and class lines? How could vertical and volumetric ecologies generate forms of racialized violence and exclusion? How does thinking with, or against, the vertical and volumetric engenders new grammars for making sense of transitions –climatological, sociopolitical, economic, or otherwise? We are looking for ethnographically-informed studies that explore the vertical and volumetric production of spaces and ecologies and their entanglement with quotidian experiences of mutability and transition. Please send abstracts (250 words max) to [email protected] or [email protected] by March 15, 11:59 pm PST.

Future Forests//Ghost Forests Organized

Organizer: Kevin Burke

Working abstract: This panel is about the relationship between the speculative and the spectral in the making, unmaking, and transitions of forest worlds. It asks about the ways that speculative forests of modernist programs of perpetual development coincide with spectral ruination. Attending to future forests and ghost forests requires that we notice the ways that absences shape the present and the ways that dispersed sets of relations are made in and remake particular places. It requires that we attune to the various, nonlinear, and entangled durations of human and more-than-human infrastructures (Mathews 2018), the polyphonies of life cycles (Tsing 2015), and the silences of extinctions (Chao 2022). Tracing the speculative and the spectral in forest worlds foregrounds the simultaneous generation of markets and ghosts and the generations of kin. It demonstrates the ways that the booms and busts of forests industries, the promises of emerging markets, and the limited horizons of financial returns endure in the form and composition of forest landscapes. It also highlights the affective ecologies (Hustak and Myers 2012) of hope that sustain these projects or the dread that follows in their wake. Studying the co-production of futures and ghosts also points to the ways that forest projects are always spaces of cosmopolitical contestation over what forest relations endure (see Stengers 2004). That is, studies of ghosts always entail questions about justice (see Derrida 1993). This panel is in conversation with the growing literature on “haunted landscapes of the Anthropocene” (Gan, et al. 2017; Toso, et al. 2020) and the “anthropology of being haunted” (Good, et al. 2023). Drawing on Mathew’s (2018) studies of “ghostly forms” in forest worlds, we seek papers that demonstrate multiple, overlapping Anthropocenes embodied in forests. Additionally, studies of “future forests” are in conversation with studies on the biopolitics of infrastructure and the ways that infrastructures are simultaneously technical objects (Barnes 2014; Anand 2017), as well as representations of “the possibility of being modern, or having a future” (Larkin 2013:333). What is the relationship between the biopolical and necropolitical in future forests? That is, how does the speculation and accumulation return as the spectral? Topics related to this call include, but are not limited to: • The biopolitics and necropolitics of forest plantations • Black and Indigenous forest relations • The political ecology of emerging forest industries such as biofuels, carbon markets, and the financialization of forests • Communities affected by forest transitions caused by saltwater intrusion, wildfires, or pest outbreaks • Affective ecologies of hope and dread in shaping future forests • The ways that the past is remembered or forgotten through forest projects • Historical ecologies and landscape ethnographies of forest worlds If you are interested in presenting a paper in this panel, please send your abstract to Kevin Burke [email protected] by March 17, 2023.

Environmental Justice and the Politics of Memory

Organizers: Brian Walter (UC-Santa Cruz) and Daniel Schniedewind (Vassar College) Discussant: Kessie Alexandre (University of Washington)

We invite submissions for a panel that will explore how collective practices of remembering bear upon the contemporary pursuit of just and sustainable land-and-waterscapes in North American places. Scholars and activists have long emphasized how contemporary scenarios of environmental and social injustice have been delivered by historical currents of never-only-human violence often centuries in the making (e.g. Hare 1970; Roane and Hosbey 2019; Reed, Middleton Manning, and Martinez 2021; Witter and Powell 2022). Such accounts of the past often diverge from prevailing, typically state-supported narratives that venerate regional histories and landscape traditions. As materialized in mainstream practices of preserving historical sites and landscapes, forms of public memory that obscure the enduring historical momentums set in motion by racial slavery, settler colonialism, and other forms of generative violence normalize forms of human and more-than-human injustice and enable their perpetuation. This panel asks how forms of public memory are enacted, sustained, and contested and how particular practices of remembering undermine or advance the realization of what might be called environmental justice (understood here in the most expansive sense). How, for instance, do those working through dissident political traditions and onto-epistemological practices remember and make places otherwise, opening up subjunctive futures through the invocation of pasts that depart from official accounts? Please submit abstracts (roughly 150-250 words) and a working title by March 18, 2023 to Brian Walter ([email protected]) and/or Daniel Schniedewind ([email protected]). We will submit as either an in-person or virtual panel based on participant preferences. With your abstract please also respond to the following questions: Would you prefer to participate: a) in-person, b) virtually, or c) no preference? If this was submitted as an in-person panel, would this affect your ability to participate?

Works Cited:

Hare, Nathan. 1970. “Black Ecologies” in The Black Scholar (April).

Reed, Kaitlin, Beth Rose Middleton Manning, and Deniss Josefina Martinez. (2021). “Becoming Storms: Indigenous Water Protectors Fight for the Future” in Lessons in Environmental Justice from Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter and Idle No More (edited by Michael Mascarhenas).

Roane, J.T. and Justin Hosbey. (2019). “Mapping Black Ecologies” in Current Research in Digital History (2).

Witter, Rebecca and Dana Powell. 2022. “Phantoms Within and Beyond the Frame: Stirrings of Justice Amidst Specters of Rural Capitalism” in Engagement (blog).

What Is Growth? Projects and Possibilities for Anthropological Thought

Organizers: Eric Hirsch and Duff Morton

An important thread in the recent critique of capitalism has consisted of efforts to understand capitalism as an active creation. For example, as Hannah Appel memorably argued in her book The Licit Life of Capitalism, “Capitalism is not a context. It is a project” (2019, 2). This panel for the 2023 AAA/CASCA meeting assembles new anthropological work that proposes that economic growth requires similar ethnographic elaboration as a condition actively generated and made real. Growth is frequently represented as the statistical abstraction of expanding exchange and consumption. Across anthropological research, growth has long been taken for granted as a reality: anthropologists tend to assume that something called “growth” exists, rather than interrogating the projects that cause growth to recede into the background. Anthropologists often identify growth as part of a context, as something either present or absent, either laudable for its promises of prosperity or lamentable for its toxic externalities and destructive impacts. In other words, growth frequently enters ethnography as a fact we acknowledge–and never define.

But what is economic growth? Economists themselves debate the topic hotly, as demonstrated by the ongoing argument over modifications to the methodology for measuring GDP. In this conversation, anthropologists can contribute an attention to the nuance of economic situation, community struggle, and ecological change. And anthropology can inquire into the genesis of the growth concept itself: the acts of persuasion, synopsis, and exhortation through which people try to convince each other that growth is taking place. Ironically, some of the fiercest critics of growth may assume too quickly that growth exists and has unstoppable power. Certain critical approaches to growth risk foreclosing an opportunity to discover the contingencies that lend (temporary) credibility to one or another growth story. We aim to stop this foreclosure.

This panel invites ethnographic interventions that center moments, scenes, representations, feelings, interactions, material arrangements, and ecologies where growth projects are actualized. What is economic growth? How do people know–or convince themselves, and others–that their economies, communities, and nations are growing? What kinds of political projects, environmental manipulations, and social actions are necessary for growth to feel real?

Please email [email protected]and [email protected] as soon as you can to let us know of your interest, and we will follow up quickly.